Tuesday, January 15, 2008


This was a difficult story to read and yet so fun to do your best to keep up. The wording was impeccable, although I found the story to be so sad. Depicting the time going by so fast by continuously saying "a week, a month, a year" was brilliant. I never really understand symbolism or deeper meanings but I thought that was clever. I am also uncertain why they kept using song titles as regular words throughout the story but it was interesting, almost like a puzzle and I'm the one who couldn't solve it. After discussing the story with a friend I realized that I am not the only one this story nearly brought to tears, and I soon felt better. Creepy, the way the sadness lingers within after reading it, leaving a feeling of guilt and no one knows why. Perhaps this is because we know this story is commonly true. The actions and emotions expressed by the unnamed characters was worded so carefully, to get inside each reader's skin and cause their own emotion to come pouring out like beaded sweat drops, or better yet, the tears released after reading this. The layout and strange word choice reminds me of a poem. I often don't understand poems and somehow I managed to fall in love with this story. I would say this is the best story I've read in a very long time.


emily said...

I like how you bring guilt into your response because that’s how I was feeling the majority of the time as I was reading this. You’re right, it is because this story is commonly true; the narrator might remind us of someone we know, or even remind us of ourselves. I could relate to the narrator when she was describing the highs of her relationship, and unfortunately the lows. Like you, I’m not too good with understanding and interpreting stories/ poems and deeper meaning, so I really liked the way this story was oddly written.

Erinn said...

I, too, was struck by your response being centered on the feeling of "guilt." It would be interesting to hear what specific passages/phrases caused you to feel this emotion when reading the story. Isn't it amazing how much a text can move us even when we do not completely understand it?