Tuesday, March 25, 2008

List of Thoughts

Eww, No, Grapes, Texture, Strings, Purple, Spit, Anxiety.
Poems, Denver, Children, Proud, Nature, Difficult, Pressured.
Alone, Miserable, Mourning, African Gods-Kwoth, Heaven, Depressed.
Death, Dark, Struggle, Anger, Soon, End, Old, Knowledge, Hopeless.
Country, Superstition, Sadness, Coincidence, Age, Strange, Resentment.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I sing myself, and CELEBRATE myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every love belonging to me as good belongs to you.

I praise and invite my soul,
I praise and lean at my ease observing a piece of summer grass.

My tongue, every atom of my blood, form'd from this air, this world,
Born here of parents born here from parents alike, and their
parents alike,
I, now eighteen years old in crumbling health begin,
Hoping to really live until death.

Creeds and schools in pity,
Thinking back a while ashamed at what they are, but never forgotten,
I harbor for good or bad, I permit to speak at every hazard,
Nature without check with life.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The six poems that I chose were Barbie Doll(619), Leaving the Motel(620), Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminal Insane(624), To a Daughter Leaving Home(663), Sex without Love(692), and At the Hospital (714). My two favorites are Barbie Doll and Sex without Love. I think that both of them discuss issues that are very important, especially in our society, today. Barbie Doll talks about perfection and plastic surgery based on other people's standards as you can see when she tells us what one classmate said about her and then what everyone else saw, as too (619). She finally achieved happiness when she cut off her nose and legs and died because everyone else finally viewed her as "pretty" (620). Sex without Love is about two people having a physical connection without the emotional attachment. It tells us about the authors morals and beliefs, which I feel are very similar to my own because I can't understand how people can do/handle that. She discusses"God","religion", and "priests" (692). She doesn't understand either (you can tell by the first line) because she opens with "How do they do it, the ones who make love without love?" (692). I would also like to mention At the Hospital because it is only two lines long but it is so powerful and I have a personal attachment to it since my mom had cancer and was in and out of the hospital 5 years ago. I think it means that until cancer strikes you or a loved one, you can't fully understand it. She says "the cancer spoke at last", which makes you think that if cancer could speak what would it say? (714). "Finally clarified" in the last line tells me that it all makes sense now, which is how I felt too(714). I'm not a big fan of poetry which is why all of the poems I selected came from my Norton. I did read through a lot of poems and the ones that I chose were not random. I really enjoyed these.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Haiku Inventions

The pillow to my ear
like a fish in a pond.

America's Next Top Model.
As a bee has seen flowers,
I've seen 1000 times over.

A volcano exploded
on the floor of the earth
at lunchtime.

One Eats-
lonely, like a duck
without a mate.

The world is spinning,
The clock is moving,

Dark sky
on a chilly evening.
Eyes, stores, parks, and such must close.

PS-Haiku's are NOT my thing.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

More Poetry

Love or Tragedy? One could only guess.
An opinion. Happiness toward one another
might be depression for the other.

Nonsense. Truth. Societal judgements.
Perfection in one person's eye,
for someone else to satisfy.

Murder. Crime. Revenge for Peace.
An oxymoron don't you think?

Poetry screams, opinions cannot be fact.
I hear the screams. I am me.
I see them as I do.
My ideas may be strange but don't judge.
Do I judge you?

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Obviously poems are meant to give feeling to the poem but these poems all convey the same emotion, with each poem having a different situation and perspective. Several of the love perspectives involve marriage. The Tally Stick (596), The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter (599), Married Love (600), To My Dear And Loving Husband (610), [Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds] (611), and Wedding-Ring (613) are all about marriage in some way. They brought out feelings that reminded me of my own relationship with my boyfriend and either made me happy or sad but all because of the same feeling of love. My favorite was [Stop All The Clocks,Cut Off The Telephone] (609). The objects helped to produce emotion and they were all such ordinary, everyday objects that the poem struck me in a way that I would never have thought of these objects before. The simplicity of the objects helped me to understand and mourn along with the author. The other four poems didn't particularly stand out to me and just silently existed. I especially enjoyed the poems with a rhyme scheme because those keep me interested and help me to pay attention. They were all good because I love, love. It's an emotion that everyone feels or wants to feel, so I think anyone could relate to any of them.