Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Good Man is Hard to Find

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16.

I hope the grandmother believed everything she said to "the misfit" about Jesus and praying because she became of victim of the reason she didn't want to vacation in Florida, although they were in Georgia. People often talk like that in order to soften up murderers when they're in that situation to save their own lives. Who really knows what the grandmother actually believed?

Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Rose For Emily

I felt very sympathetic towards the character Emily, not only for the fact that she was portrayed to the readers as a lonely, pathetic old woman or the fact that the entire town viewed her as a mere gossip column and a sad excuse for a woman, but also because she perceived herself in the exact same way as everyone else. For her to be "one of Jefferson's finest" seems strange as you think there would be duties in order to remain known as one of the finest, such as being seen in public and maintaining a clean and pleasant household.
Her uncontrollable need to cling to the bodies of her deceased loved one's also seems a bit repulsive. Although you must feel sorry for her in the fact that she is a woman and didn't amount to much without her father or a husband in that time period, you can't help but think about the possibility that she may have mental problems, for keeping a dead body in your house is not exactly a normal thing to do(470). I didn't really understand why she had to murder Homer in order to keep him around either(474). Was it because he "wasn't the marrying kind" (471)? When stating that "He liked men" did that mean that he was gay or was there a deeper meaning that maybe I just didn't quite grasp (471)?
The story maintained my attention for a mere 10-15 minutes but is both challenging and time consuming for me to understand and analyze the basis for her thinking. Perhaps she did go insane like her aunt or perhaps she was just insecure with herself without a man in her life because of the time period in which she existed.

Friday, January 18, 2008

A Souvenir of Japan

Adoration or obedience? Resentment or respect?
Things aren't always what they seem.

Selfless or Selfish? Elegant or awkward?
Things aren't always what they seem.

Beautiful or tortured? Trashy or chic?
Thing's aren't always what they seem.

Culture and Heritage. Race and Religion.
Things are never what they seem.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Yellow Wallpaper

Ever seen "The Number 23"? It's a movie about a guy whose wife buys him a book and he acts completely uninterested in it until he starts reading it and then everything about the story reminds him of himself. It talks about the number 23 and how it's in addresses, birthdays, important dates in history, and even in words. By the end he is completely obsessed with the number 23 and finds out that this is due to mental processes from the past. This story has proven that obsessions and insanities are not necessarily something one is born with but rather something one creates for himself, and in these cases, based on a likeness or strong interest. I couldn't put this story down even though it's way past my bedtime. It really got inside the readers' head and I think that's that is how the most intriguing stories are written.


This was a difficult story to read and yet so fun to do your best to keep up. The wording was impeccable, although I found the story to be so sad. Depicting the time going by so fast by continuously saying "a week, a month, a year" was brilliant. I never really understand symbolism or deeper meanings but I thought that was clever. I am also uncertain why they kept using song titles as regular words throughout the story but it was interesting, almost like a puzzle and I'm the one who couldn't solve it. After discussing the story with a friend I realized that I am not the only one this story nearly brought to tears, and I soon felt better. Creepy, the way the sadness lingers within after reading it, leaving a feeling of guilt and no one knows why. Perhaps this is because we know this story is commonly true. The actions and emotions expressed by the unnamed characters was worded so carefully, to get inside each reader's skin and cause their own emotion to come pouring out like beaded sweat drops, or better yet, the tears released after reading this. The layout and strange word choice reminds me of a poem. I often don't understand poems and somehow I managed to fall in love with this story. I would say this is the best story I've read in a very long time.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sonny's Blue's

This story was hard for me to read because I often felt that I didn't fully understand what was going on. The lengthiness of it really helped me to understand the emotion of Sonny, his brother, and their mother. I felt that it didn't go anywhere but then again the details took me to a level of understanding of each characters personality. I grew up about 5 minutes from Detroit and although I don't spend much time in the city, my mom works there and I go there with her sometimes. When he was talking about getting "sucked in" and wanting to "get out" it reminded me of a lot of the kids I went to high school with (many of them lived in Detroit). We all talked about how we were going to "get out" and make something of ourselves and some of us have, or are, and it's sad to see the kids that were "sucked in" before we ever even graduated. I really liked how Sonny's brother learned to accept and understand his love for music by the end of the story. I think that both brothers appreciated each other more after they talked and revealed their feelings about where they've been, both physically and emotionally. Overall it was a good story, although I found it hard to get into and focus for so long on a story about an ordinary guy. I guess it shows that all of our lives are equally important and that someone cares about each of us, even in the worst of circumstances.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Hi!! Im Jessica and I'm a really happy person. I'm easy to get along with and I love laughing. My bestfriend is my boyfriend....He goes to school here too; Steve Smith, Sophomore....He loves facebook (Be his friend!). My roommate is awesome. If you don't get it her name is Emily. She's in this class too. I don't really read that much but I took this class for some more English credit. I hope you guys all get to know me and that I get to know you too this semester. Byeeee :D